Wednesday = Rest Day?

I have a pretty set schedule for what types of runs I do on which days of the week. Wednesday is my rest day, the one day with nothing on the schedule. It’s good physically to rest, but over time it has become a mental rest for me as well. I can sleep in a little and with a rested body my mind is a little sharper as well.

Of course, Wednesday has also been deemed an “asynchronous learning” day by our local school system. It’s only recently that my kids have gone back to school in-person (thanks, COVID), but even when they do they stay home on Wednesdays for remote learning.

Having my older kids home is not that big a deal. The oldest son does his work and tries to sneak YouTube in between classes, while my daughter has gotten into the back catalog of “Dance Moms” episodes on her breaks (which is more distracting than I thought). Both let me focus on work and rest.

My youngest, though, tends to plow through his assigned work and then ruminate on the mysteries of the universe. At any given point in the day I can turn from my desk to see him staring up with a concerned look on his face. A random set of challenging questions usually follows, no matter what I am doing. Here’s a sample.

  • Could we build something to move the solar system out of the galaxy to go to a new one?
  • Can I have Chex Mix?
  • What are NTD’s (neglected tropical diseases) and can I get one?
  • How long do you think it will be until robots take our jobs?
  • Could Superman outrun the Flash?
  • Were you alive when the continents split apart?
  • Could Superman beat Black Panther in a fight?
  • Can I have Chex Mix now?

I want to encourage his curiosity, but between tackling my own work and trying to keep up with his mind, Wednesdays are a lot less restful than they used to be.

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