The Road to Richmond: Back on Track (Week Eight)

A few weeks ago I realized I needed to cut a week out of my training as I had miscounted the weeks leading up to my race. My plan alternates hard and “step-back” weeks, and it seemed to make sense to knock out a “step-back” week. This meant I would have one set of hard weeks back-to-back, and this was the second half of the set. I am now back on track, but I am also very tired.

This week also marked a switch from speed to strength workouts. This means my paces are a little slower but the trade-off is that the intervals are longer. This week it was six one-mile repeats. I thought that would be tougher mentally, but I liked the repetition after sprinting for the past seven weeks. Some of the strength workouts are longer, though, and I will have to decide if I want to keep those on the track or move to the road.

The tempo and long workouts did not go as well as my strength workout. I missed my target range in the tempo and bonked in the long run today. I didn’t stop to walk in either, but I wasn’t happy with the outcome. It was humid on both days and this was the second high mileage, hard week in a row but I need to keep an eye on my times this week to make sure I am not over-training. I don’t think I am, but we’ll see.

The highlights of the week were off plan. On Tuesday I ran an extra mile in the morning because my oldest son wanted to run. We hadn’t done that since the summer and it was his idea. I like watching him push himself and watching as he improves over time. The second highlight was a recovery run in Umsted yesterday. I did about half on single-track and tried a new trail, which i found invigorating. It was a little cooler I really enjoyed being off the pavement. I don’t plan to do that every week, but it was a nice reward.

I’m looking forward to this week and would like to focus on the tempo run. I need to change up my route and see if I can stay within my target range and hope this is achievable.

Goal Mileage 61
Actual Mileage 64.9

2 thoughts on “The Road to Richmond: Back on Track (Week Eight)”

  1. Came across your blog today. Awesome job. I’ve been toying around with the Hanson plan for awhile. I’m training for a marathon in about 6 weeks myself in an effort to mix up my training cycles which I’ve been repeating for the past few years.

    What’s your scheduling looking like for the week ahead and how are you feeling after the hard runs? I find that hitting the speed, then the tempo and then the long day in quick order are challenging, but the lower mileage helps. Facing a 16 miler this weekend and a 10 next. Tapering soon!

    1. Thanks for checking it out. With the Hanson plan I am generally tired, but I don’t feel burned out after most of the hard runs. The first few weeks were brutal, but I’m not sure if it was the humidity or my body adjusting. The tempo has probably been the hardest for me because of trying to sustain a pace for a longer stretch. I’ve generally forgiven myself on the long runs as long as I am in the ballpark on my tempos. I hope your 16 miler went well and good luck on your training!

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